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Friday, April 13, 2007

Cry the beloved Standerton

Originally uploaded by Christo Doherty.
There's a Ethnomusicologist in New York, that's very worried about the destruction of the Groot Trek (Great Trek) memorial in Standerton.

"But when I read something like this, it makes me fearful, and leaves me feeling very much alone. Without the country I believe in, I'm just an alien, a foreigner in New York and the whole world. There is no place for me to call home, and there is no meaning in the work that I do. I'm not prepared to accept that."

Read the rest of her heartfelt posting - A brittle little democracy.

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choirgirl said...

Thank you for the link and the comment, Wessel. It is lovely to read the blog of someone who is, it seems, concerned about a lot of the same things I am. Let's keep the hope alive.

Wessel said...

Yes, if we loose hope, life would be unbearable for me, and the problem won't go away. It will still be there.